Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A field trip, an overnight, and a fundraiser...

Troop 3607 at the Newport Aquarium Monday, Oct. 8

Girl Scouts of Buckeye Trails Council 2007 Fall Product Sale
• Sale Dates: Oct 5 - Oct 29
• Nov 15 - Nov 17: Pick up your products from Amy
• Nov 15 - Dec 03: Scouts Distribute Products to Customers & Collect Money
• Dec 03: Final deadline to hand in money to Amy at regular Troop meeting.
(You are encouraged to hand in money to Amy as you get it.)

Re-dedication/Investiture Ceremony Nov. 5 at 4:30 The girls will be decorating and hosting this celebration following the regular meeting. We invite all parents to attend and enjoy cake, brownies, and punch.

Win one free night at the Great Wolf Lodge!
Families, place your contribution to Girl Scouts Buckeye Trail Council in an envelope, marked with your Brownie’s full name and troop number and turn it into Amy by November 5.
There will be one lucky winner from all the Little Miami Girl Scouts who participate. All girls who return an envelope will have an equal chance in the drawing, regardless of the size of their donation.

Our first overnight is Thursday, November 15 (Teacher In-Service Day)
We’re staying at Camp WhipPoorWill in the Troop House at Mary Rollins Lodge. I will be assigning a food item to each girl at our upcoming meetings. Chaperones are Amy Toney, Renae Daku, Michelle Schooley, and Linda Whitley.

The next day, we'll take supplies to the Midwestern Children's Home in Pleasant Plain. Go to website: www.mid-western.org It's a Christian Home supported by members of the churches of Christ, industry, and friends, for the purpose of providing material needs, and spiritual guidance to children in need. Foster care and adoption programs serve children ages 0-18. The group home program serves children ages 6-18. The adoption program serves children of all ages, but primarily younger children. This program also serves unwed mothers considering an adoption plan.

Please have your daughter bring one or more of the following to our overnight for the children's home: toilet paper, paper towels, hand soaps, 60 watt light bulbs, grass and leaf rakes, snack foods, bottled juices, gift certificates from Kroger, Biggs, Meijer, or Walmart for Milk. The average Mid-Western household goes through approximately 50 Gallons of milk per month.

Thanks to Renae Daku and Deborah Osborne for stepping up to be back up co-leaders. Renae and Deborah are pursuing the formal training required to be official co-leaders and they will be backing me up with the responsibility of leading field trips and overnights. We will be rotating parent helpers at all field trips and overnights so that everyone will have the opportunity to participate.

Mark your calendar:
11/02/07 Halloween Party at the Harlan Twp. Fire Dept.
11/05/07 Re-dedication/Investiture Ceremony at 4:30
11/05/07 Deadline: enter to win one free night at the Great Wolf Lodge
11/15/07 Overnight at Camp WhipPoorWill and service project.
12/01/07 Christmas Ceramics at Camp WhipPoorWill

Meeting: Snack by: Parent Helper: Phone Number:
11/05/07 Rachel Agricola, Jodi Agricola 877-3536
11/19/07 Kaylee Sherrill, Deborah Osborne 899-9540
12/03/07 Jaide Hodgson, Neka Hodgson 266-4828
12/17/07 Cassie Whitley, Linda Whitley 899-2757

By law, there must always be two adults present, or the meeting is cancelled. Please call and trade with each other NOW if this schedule doesn’t work for you. Please inform Amy of any changes.

I'm planning a Snow Tubing field trip to Perfect North in Indiana for late January or Early February. We'll be sharing overnight accomodations in a Girl Scout Lodge with my daughter Jordan's Cadet Troop 388. 2hrs of tubing is $15 per person. I'll keep you posted as details come together.

Amy Toney, Leader
Home: 513-899-9905 Cell: 513-304-5979
E-mail: danaamy2001@yahoo.com

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